Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Digital Storytelling

I'm totally going to use this in my class soon. We have some short stories coming up and a few are more difficult Edgar Allen Poe stories. I had students draw comics last year, but I think combining Comic Life, which our school has, along with flickr will be a lot more engaging and relevant since it's technology based. It will also add a real fun factor!

I put this comic together (quicktime format) using pictures I've taken over the past four years. They're all completely out of context, but it's still pretty funny...at least I think so. I'm not sure what my brother and friends will think when they see it...


Molly said...

Hi Brent,
I really want to try out comic life. I like editing photos and adding captions. I think it brings personality and story to a photograph in a simple way.

One suggestion- I am having difficulty reading your captions. Can you do one image per frame on comic life? Just wondering for future lesson plans!
Nice Job!

emily said...

I'm jealous that your school has comic life. Mine doesn't even really know what it is or see the value in discussing such pithy matters. Anyhow, I'm with Molly, I can't read your captions either, but the pics look funny. If there isn't a way to do a one image per frame thing, comic life projects might be something that is better printed off or presented on an overhead or something than posted on a blog. Just a thought.